From all of E-Sports, we want to express a huge thanks to Voahangy Rasetarinera for her amazing and tasty “giving pies” and for her generous heart to donate a chunk of her proceeds over the past couple years to our E-Sports efforts! Beyond that, Voahangy, husband Patrick, and their kids Menza and Mialy have also been a part of our E-Soccer, E-Hoops, and E-Fitness inclusion programs for many years in the south bay area, as their kids have served as peer coaches to children with special needs.
Yesterday, on “Pi Day” (3.14.19) both NBC and ABC ran stories on Voahangy’s incredible “Giving Pies”. And now we are all looking forward to Voahangy opening that Giving Pies cafe she’s been talking about!! Check out the Giving Pies story…