Coach Highlight: Danielle Dybbro

Coach Highlight: Danielle Dybbro

Coach Highlight: Danielle Dybbro 1200 800 Jackson Schaefer

E-Sports benefits thousands of children worldwide every weekend.  However, we wouldn’t have nearly as much impact as a program without the service, sacrifice, and leadership of our volunteer coaches.  These special individuals embody the heart of E-Sports by facilitating, leading, and exemplifying inclusion every time they step onto the field, court, studio, or dojo.

Danielle Dybbro is currently a full time teacher at an inclusion school for children of all needs called Hope Technology School in Palo Alto.  She attended Boston College where she earned a BA in English and History with a minor in Education and then went on to San Francisco State University where she earned an MA in History.  She also has a very involved background in the world of soccer with many years of experience of both playing and coaching. Danielle’s typical role at E-Sports is a volunteer head coach at Foster City E-Soccer for kids ranging in age from 8-12 years old.  Her first experience with E-Sports began when she was invited by some friends who were already volunteering at E-Soccer over 3 years ago. Now she is one of the most consistent and giving volunteer coaches within the entire E-Sports community.  

When asked about what her favorite part about volunteering at E-Sports, Danielle said, “Seeing specific kids grow.  I’ve been there for a decent amount of time, and it’s really amazing to see some kids who first come overwhelmed and uncertain and anxious, to a few sessions or a few months later are completely transformed and are more confident and carefree and just really happy to be there with their friends.”

Similar to other coaches who volunteer at E-Sports, Danielle has been able to apply what she has learned from being a part of E-Sports to other areas of her life.  Because she works at a school that heavily emphasizes inclusion, she also has the unique ability to apply what she learns in her work environment and apply it to coaching at E-Sports.  

When asked what she has learned most volunteering at E-Sports, Danielle answered, “Every kid has potential to grow and improve!”

Danielle is one of many coaches within the E-Sports community changing the world through inclusion.  If you are interested in being a part of the E-Sports community or volunteering at any E-Sports session across the Bay Area, please apply today or contact us. Let us include you so that we can change the world together!

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