On Saturday, March 23rd, the Warriors hosted E-Hoops for a “Play Where the Pros Play” day of inclusive basketball clinics exclusively for E-Hoops community families. Over 150 kids, coaches, and families came together from all over the Bay Area to the Warriors home court at The Chase Center in San Francisco. The inclusive clinic included two sessions from 3:15-4:15 pm and then 4:45-5:45 pm, with kids rotating between 4 skills/drills stations (passing, dribbling, shooting, and defense). The great number of volunteer coaches enabled all kids who needed individualized support to receive it.
One parent sent a couple heartwarming photos of her daughter with her 1-on-1 coach after the event, commenting:
“…this wonderful human being…did very well with (our son) and made sure he had a great experience. To our family moments like this, trust, friendship, mentorship, support, connections are what make a special needs event successful.”
The partnership between E-Sports and the Warriors is exciting to us because it is changing the world by bringing hope and inclusion to families in one of the most marginalized communities – the 1.3 billion people with disabilities in the world today. We are so grateful to the Warriors for hosting us annually now with this type of event to serve and encourage our E-Hoops families, kids, and coaches!